
传播学院 & 多媒体的研究

的 传播学院 and 多媒体的研究 (SCMS) is a vibrant hub within the 多萝西F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters. 与 an internationally known and award-winning faculty, 学院为那些对各种人类交际活动感兴趣的人提供了学习的机会, 从面对面的人类互动到媒介交流再到电脑动画.

传播与多媒体研究学院提供两个不同但一致的学士学位课程,200年专业, a Masters of Arts in 沟通研究,和 Masters of Fine Arts in 媒体, 技术, 和娱乐. 两个B中较大的那个.A. 有800多个专业的学位是 沟通研究.多媒体的研究 degree program allows 学生 to concentrate either in 电影、录像和新媒体 或在 多媒体新闻. Undergraduate coursework maybe divided between FAU's main campus in 波卡拉顿 and our 戴维 campus; the M.A. program is located primarily on the 波卡拉顿 campus, and the M.F.A.program is housed on the 戴维 campus.

除了他们的课程作业, 学生 in the SCMS become involved with many aspects of co-curricular life at FAU. From public debates and Speakers' Corner events, 参加电影节和展览, 学生俱乐部,如电影俱乐部和Zeta Iota(国家传播荣誉协会Lambda Pi Eta的FAU分会), to 数码媒体计划 such as Wavelengths and South Florida Journal, to cooperation in student run media such as 的 University Press, 猫头鹰广播, 或OWL TV, SCMS的学生有无数的机会将在课堂上学到的技能应用到他们的校园和社区生活中. 这些课外活动中的许多都属于SCMS对美国民主项目的承诺, 这是由美国州立学院和大学协会(American Association of State Colleges and Universities)与《KU体育》合作推出的一项全国性倡议,旨在重振公立学院和大学学生的公民意识和公民参与. 的 SCMS takes the mission of the American Democracy Project to heart, 我们的大部分课程探讨了人类交流活动和公共生活之间的相互关系. 传播学B.A. is built around issues of communication and civic life.

的 SCMS enjoys a unique cooperative, public-private alliance with 客厅剧院这是一个四个剧院的综合设施,位于FAU的新文化与社会大楼. 晚上的商业影院, 客厅剧院在白天是我们电影课的重要教学空间. 这种合作关系为我们的电影学生提供了从多个角度研究电影业务的机会.

As a graduate from the 传播学院 and 多媒体的研究, you would have many career options. Most of our graduates move directly into the job market, but many others go on to graduate school, 法学院, or other professional advanced degree programs. 的 opportunities for SCMS graduates to take theoretical, 分析, 批判性的观点,并将其与表演和制作技能结合起来,为你打开了许多职业之门. 这并不奇怪. 凤凰城大学(University of Phoenix)对330位行业领袖进行的一项调查显示,96%的高管将沟通和人际交往能力列为员工最宝贵的特质, and the American Association of Colleges and Universities conducted a poll of major U.S. 雇主们希望学院和大学加强对书面和口头交流的关注,critical thinking and 分析al reasoning, and concepts and developments in technology, including of course communication technologies. 传播与多媒体研究学院的毕业生符合雇主日益寻求的这一特征.

As you look around our website and investigate our programs, 我们邀请你想象自己是一个本科专业的学生,追求丰富的课程和课外课程,或者是一个专门研究传播学或媒体的研究生, 技术, 和娱乐. In the 传播学院 and 多媒体的研究, we enrich lives as well as careers.

Professor and Director of the School


FAU PolCom实验室 Provides Insights into making Democracy work



政治上的分歧越来越大,这使得许多人不敢谈论政治. 但, for researchers in SCMS and Political Science at FAU, 了解人们对政治的看法以及影响政治决策的因素现在比以往任何时候都更加重要.  

Since opening in Spring 2023, the new FAU Political Communication and Public Opinion (PolCom) Lab has captured public opinion on Florida and international politics, with its polls and findings appearing in 领导你.S. 以及国际新闻媒体包括《KU体育官网APP》、《KU体育官网APP》、《KU体育官网APP》、《KU体育官网APP》、《KU体育官网APP》和《KU体育官网APP》.

“捕捉和分享公众对当前政治和社会问题的看法非常重要,”医生说。. Carol 米尔斯, SCMS Director and Co-Director of the PolCom实验室. “This opportunity for 学生 and faculty to capture data, 分析它, 并以有意义的方式进行交流,为我们所有人创造和探索有益于公众的沉浸式教育体验提供了帮助.”

的 PolCom实验室 collaborates with Mainstreet 研究, a Canadian polling firm that is expanding into the U.S. 以前的调查 have focused on Florida state politics and issues, 还有国家政治, 包括2024年的美国.S. 总统竞选活动. A poll released on the 2024 United Nation’s International Day of Happiness focused on the happiness of voters across the U.S., highlighting the challenges of engaging with youth with positive outlooks on the future.



“通过PolCom实验室, we are building on a history of political polling that engages with local media, 社区, 还有我们的学生, PolCom实验室联合主任Dr. Kevin Wagner, a political science professor at FAU. “我们发现,媒体确实需要我们提供的见解,我们不仅可以提供受众的想法,还可以提供民主运作的机制,以及更好的运作机制.”

学生们遍及多萝西F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, PolCom实验室在哪里, 已经从一门关于政治民意调查的本科课程中受益——这是SCMS和政治学之间开设的许多类似课程之一. 的 first of many Lab-as-Classroom experiences that engage 学生 with industry, 政治消息, 以及PolCom实验室中心围绕政治沟通的沟通努力, the Spring 2024 class connected to polling in ways led by industry experts.

“We have been very fortunate to have the support of our partners, 教师研究人员, and 连接s in the polling world that really help push our 学生 to another level,PolCom实验室战略主管博士说. Ted Gutsche, who taught the spring class on polling. “的re are so many things in store for our lab, like a new physical space that is coming online, 实习机会, 这些课程可以帮助来自各个学习领域的学生找到将投票与他们的行业和兴趣联系起来的方法.”

For more on the polling initiative, 访问 the PolCom实验室网站 or 博士的邮件. 米尔斯.

Scene From Lopez de Victoria's Videogame Project
Multiple Awards for Visiting 教师
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特别向Dr. 克里斯·罗伯斯最近出版了他的新书《KU体育官网APP》. 最近博士. Robé talked about his book on the podcast Coffee 与 Comrades...
We are excited to announce THREE interdisciplinary minors beginning fall 2022! 学生 can now earn a min或在 Political Communication, 运动的研究, 及公共关系, 每门课程只需要12个学分. 访问链接...
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Student in SCMS Wins Broadway 的ater Fellowship
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Alejandra Abad
Alejandra Abad

"Storytelling is a significant part of my art practice, especially experimental narratives that examine access, 边界, 社区, 连接, 和边界. My recent exhibitions include animations and moving images that... 阅读更多


Kimberly Rodriguez Chapman graduated with a BA in 沟通研究 in 2015. She is currently the Manager of Global Public Relations with Navico Group. Recently, she was honored by Boating Industry 新闻 as one of its... 阅读更多


Vito is in his final semester as a 沟通研究 major with a min或在 Philosophy. Some of his hobbies include cooking, music, exercise, and travel. One of his lifelong dreams was to go to school in Florida, and FAU... 阅读更多